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重庆大学 / 资源与安全学院
















长期从事非常规天然气开发利用(煤层气、页岩气、可燃冰)、co2分离与捕集、气体水合物技术等方向的应用基础研究。在applied energyenergyfuel等期刊发表学术论文50余篇,其中sci检索32篇(第一或通讯作者)、esi高被引论文3篇,sci他引540次,h因子15,出版学术专著1部,获发明专利3项。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目、重庆市自然科学基金等纵向项目10项,主研973项目、国家重大专项、国家自然科学基金重点项目、中国工程院咨询项目等。担任国际sci期刊frontiers   in energy research客座编辑 (if=2.746),国际期刊international journal of oil, gas and coal engineeringjournal of mineral, metal and   material engineering编委;担任国际能源顶级期刊applied energyenergy30余种国际期刊审稿人;担任国际会议分会主席2次、受邀作国际会议特邀报告3次、主题报告7次。



2016.9 -至今   重庆大学,教授、博导

2011.9-2016.8  重庆大学,副教授、硕导

2008.7-2011.8  重庆大学,讲师

2018.7-2018.12加拿大university of british   columbia (ubc),高级研究学者

2011-2012    加拿大university of british   columbia (ubc),博士后

2009-2012    重庆大学,动力工程及工程热物理博士后流动站,博士后





1. 国际期刊frontiers in energy research客座编辑

2. 国际期刊international journal of oil, gas and coal engineering编委

3. 国际期刊journal of mineral, metal and material engineering编委

4. 美国化学会(acs)会员

5. 中国可再生能源学会专委会委员

6. 中国电机工程学会会员

7. 中国制冷学会高级会员

8. 重庆市制冷学会理事

9. 国家自然科学基金项目通讯评审专家



1.  国家自然科学基金面上项目:超临界co2作用下含水合物的砂质沉积物渗透率变化规律及水合物分解机理研究,70万元,2021-2024,项目负责人

2.  国家自然科学基金面上项目:吸附-水合耦合作用下低浓度煤层气的提纯特性及气体分子传输机理研究,80万元,2017-2020,项目负责人

3.   国家自然科学基金重点项目:煤层气及煤系气合采基础研究,256万元,2020-2023,主研(排名2

4.   国家自然科学基金青年项目:水合物法分离低浓度煤层气的乳化强化实验及反应机理研究,2011-201320万元,项目负责人

5.   国家重点实验室人才项目:气体水合物形成与分解理论,100万元,2018-2022,项目负责人

6.   教育部创新团队项目:非常规天然气高效开发与利用,600万元,2014-2020,主研

7.   中国工程院咨询项目:重庆市页岩气开发战略研究,120万元,2018-2019,主研

8.   重庆市基础与前沿研究项目:低浓度煤层气在多孔介质内形成气体水合物的结晶生长机理,5万元,2013-2016,项目负责人

9.   中央高校基本科研业务费专项项目:低浓度煤层气在纳米石墨流体中的强化提纯机理研究,25万元,2017-2018,项目负责人

10. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项项目:co2置换法开采冻土区天然气水合物的反应机理研究,20万元,2015-2016,项目负责人


1.  发明专利:悬垂水滴气体水合物形成研究系统,专利号:zl200810032823.7

2.  发明专利:一种用于强化煤层气提纯的纳米石墨流体,专利号:   zl201710853788.4 

3.  发明专利:一种小型防爆压缩空气驱动的煤矿井下空调及制冷方法,专利号:zl201910558315.0




1.           yi-yu lu, bin-bin ge, dong-liang zhong*,   investigation of using graphite nanofluids to promote methane hydrate   formation: application to solidified natural gas storage. energy, 2020, 199:   117424.

2.           yan wang, dong-liang zhong*, zheng li, et   al. application of tetra-n-butyl ammonium bromide semi-clathrate hydrate for   co2 capture from unconventional natural gases. energy, 2020, 197:   117209.

3.           jian-bo li, dong-liang zhong*, jin yan.   improving gas hydrate-based ch4 separation from low-concentration   coalbed methane by graphene oxide nanofluids, journal of natural gas science   and engineering, 2020, 76: 103212.

4.           jin yan, yi-yu lu, dong-liang zhong*,   et al. insights into the phase behavior of tetra-n-butyl ammonium bromide   semiclathrates formed with co2, co2 ch4 using   high-pressure dsc. the journal of chemical thermodynamics, 2019, 137:   101-107.

5.           li zheng, zhong dong-liang*, zheng   wei-yan, et al. morphology and kinetic investigation of tbab/tbpb   semiclathrate hydrates formed with a co2   ch4 gas   mixture. journal of crystal growth, 2019, 511: 79-88.

6.           yi jie, zhong dong-liang*, yan jin, lu   yi-yu. impacts of the surfactant sulfonated lignin on hydrate based co2   capture from a co2/ch4 gas mixture, energy, 2019, 171,   61-68.

7.           zhong dong-liang*, wang wen-chun, lu yi-yu, et al. investigation on methane   recovery from low-concentration coal mine gas by tetra-n-butyl ammonium   chloride semiclathrate hydrate formation. applied energy, 2018, 227: 686-693.

8.           sheng-lan qing, dong-liang zhong*,   da-tong yi, et al. phase equilibria and dissociation enthalpies for   tetra-n-butylammonium chloride semiclathrate hydrates formed with co2,   ch4, and co2   ch4. the journal of   chemical thermodynamics, 2018,117, 54-59.

9.           li zheng,   zhong dong-liang*, lu   yi-yu, et al. preferential enclathration of co2 into tetra-n-butyl   phosphonium bromide semiclathrate hydrate in moderate operating conditions:   application for co2 capture from shale gas. applied energy, 2017,   199, 370-381.

10.       zhong dong-liang*, wang yu-rui, lu yi-yu, et al. phase equilibrium and kinetics of   gas hydrates formed from co2/h2 in the presence of   tetrahydrofuran and cyclohexane. journal of natural gas science and   engineering, 2016, 35, 1566-1572.

11.       zhong dong-liang*, wang jia-le, lu yi-yu, et al. precombustion co2   capture using a hybrid process of adsorption and gas hydrate formation.   energy, 2016, 102, 621-629.

12.       zhong dong-liang*, li zheng, lu yi-yu, et al. investigation of co2   capture from a co2 ch4 gas mixture by gas hydrate   formation in the fixed bed of a molecular sieve. industrial & engineering   chemistry research, 2016, 55, 7973-7980.

13.       zhong dong-liang, ding kun, lu yi-yu*, et al. methane recovery from coal mine gas   using hydrate formation in water-in-oil emulsions. applied energy, 2016, 162,   1619-1626.

14.       zhong dong-liang*, li zheng, lu yi-yu, et al. evaluation of co2 removal   from a co2 ch4 gas mixture using gas hydrate   formation in liquid water and thf solutions. applied energy, 2015, 158, 133-141.  

15.       ding kun, zhong dong-liang*, lu yi-yu,   et al. enhanced precombustion capture of carbon dioxide by gas hydrate   formation in water-in-oil emulsions. energy & fuels, 2015, 29 (5),   2971-2978.

16.       zhong dong-liang, sun dong-jun, lu yi-yu*, et al. adsorption-hydrate hybrid   process for methane separation from a ch4/n2/o2 gas   mixture using pulverized coal particles. industrial & engineering   chemistry research, 2014, 53(40), 15738-15746.

17.       zhong dong-liang*, ding kun, yan jin, et al. influence of cyclopentane and sds on   methane separation from coal mine gas by hydrate crystallization. energy   & fuels, 2013, 27(12), 7252-7258.

18.       zhong dong-liang*, daraboina nagu, englezos peter. recovery of ch4 from   coal mine model gas mixture (ch4/n2) by hydrate   crystallization in the presence of cyclopentane. fuel, 2013, 106, 425-430.

19.       zhong dong-liang*, ye   yang, yang chen, et al. experimental investigation of methane separation from   the low-concentration coal mine gas (ch4/n2/o2)   by tetra-n-butyl ammonium bromide semi-clathrate hydrate crystallization. industrial & engineering chemistry research, 2012, 51(45):   14806-14813.

20.       zhong dong-liang*,   englezos peter. methane separation from coal mine methane gas by   tetra-n-butyl ammonium bromide semi-clathrate hydrate formation. energy &   fuels, 2012, 26 (4): 2098-2106.

